
This is a temporary home for our ongoing learning of Restorative Circles, a specific systemic approach to conflict whose development began with the work of Dominic Barter and young favela residents in Rio de Janeiro in the mid 1990s and continues with a growing community both in Brazil and internationally.

In 2020 we commemorated 25 years of this work!

Restorative Circles helps communities, organisations, families and government develop their own processes for supporting those in conflict. Commonly these bring together the three parties to a conflict – those who have acted, those directly impacted and the wider community – within an intentional systemic context, to dialogue as equals. Often participants invite each other and attend voluntarily. The dialogue processes used tend to be shared openly with all participants, and guided by a community member. Generally these processes end with actions that bring mutual benefit.

As circle forms, these practices commonly invite shared power, mutual understanding, self-responsibility and agreed actions that repair harm, restore relationship and reintegrate community.

Please watch the videos, read the online articles, attend one of our learning events and collaborate with those developing practical responses to community safety and empowerment.

Also, visit our Facebook Page, here: http://www.facebook.com/RestorativeCircles

check us out daily on Twitter: http://twitter.com/restoracircles

or participate in one of the Facebook groups, either for Restorative Circles or for practices which are derivations of Restorative Circles.

You can also write to contatodominic (at) gmail.com


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